We are delighted to open our 2025 Mentone Stories series with a focus on International Women’s Day (IWD) and how we can all #AccelerateAction.

We invite our community to attend a casual breakfast followed by our special guest speaker, FIORI GIOVANNI who is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, media commentator, human rights activist, and proud mother.

This is a remarkable story. From child solider in Africa and overcoming a pubescent arranged marriage to successful businesswoman in Australia, Fiori Giovanni will have you enthralled. You will laugh out loud, be moved to tears and stunned into thoughtful silence, as her story transforms lives. With the courage to survive and learn from her experiences, Fiori’s message of hope, resilience, courage, leadership, and action is truly inspiring.

  • DATE: Thursday 6 March 2025
  • BREAKFAST (stand-up): 7.30 – 8.15am – Arts Plaza (between Function Centre & Creativity Centre)
  • SPEAKER: 8.30am (sharp) – 9.30am – Thorold Theatre
  • COST: $20pp (Adults) $10pp (Students)
  • BOOKINGS: Close Monday 3 March (earlier if sold out)

This event is open to all members of our community including students, but the content is most appropriate for students from Years 7 – 12.
